Personal Data Collected at the Time of Booking Class

A certain amount of personal data is collected by Yoga with Vikki a the time of booking. This is for the purposes of meeting insurance company criteria as well as for your own safety and to ensure sessions are tailored to student’s individual needs.

All information gathered by Yoga with Vikki either on paper or through the online booking process is treated as confidential.  The only time your information will be shared with a third party is if another teacher is taking a class, any medical information that the teacher needs to know will be shared but not contact details.

You may update or change your contact details at any time by e-mailing Yoga with Vikki directly.

Health forms are completed on paper form and will be stored securely by Yoga with Vikki for the amount of time requested to comply with insurance requirements, which for adults is currently seven years from the time you last attended a class.

Class registers and contact details are stored on a secure online booking system, Reservie.  When booking through Reservie payment is made through secure payment provider Stripe, who are Privacy Shield Certified.  You will need to provide certain information to enable the payment to go through.

Waiting lists are stored on cloud storage through Dropbox, which is password protected.

If you wish to alter any of your data, review how it is used or wish to request its return to you, please contact

You may, of course, decline to submit personally identifiable information to Yoga with Vikki, in which case we may not be able to provide certain services to you.

Website cookies set automatically by our software.  We do not knowingly access these or pass to third parties.

How we use your Contact Information

When booking you will be asked to sign a disclaimer. In doing so you are agreeing to your email and phone number being used by Yoga with Vikki to inform you of class changes or cancellations or updates directly relating to the service you have booked.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Yoga with Vikki may review and update its privacy policy from time to time, and so you should review this policy periodically. Changes to this privacy policy are effective when they are posted on this page.   If we feel the changes affect customers materially then current customers will be notified of the changes by e-mail.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, please contact Vikki Stevenson on